While waiting for guests to gather downstairs, and pictures to finish up... some were feeling lazy and proceeded to do an ab workout while my flower girls and junior bridesmaids were busy messengers between Justin and I, and daddy got a glimpse of his girl all ready to head to the alter and some final words of wisdom...

A precious, gorgeous gift from Justin...

And then, "It's almost 3 o'clock!! It's almost here, it's almost here! Come on Becky, let's GO!" Came the shouts from mostly the little girls as the time to marry my best friend came closer. Surely excited, I waited for the coordinator to call me down, where I would soon enter the sanctuary walking arm and arm with my dad, to my future.

Chad Johnson did a wonderful job orchestrating the wedding ceremony...

AND the bride and grooms FIRST kiss...
Words from Chad: "...Justin had a very purposeful trip up North, when the Lord prompted his heart when he was going to pursue Becky. He needed to get the facts, as a wise man should, and he came up and he talked to her father and then they (Justin and Becky) had a very long conversation at that restaurant. (It went on for hours...) And they both had lists of things that they wanted to know about one another. And I bring that up because probably at the end of that night, I know you guys left that night much more aware of the desire to know one another better at that point. In our culture, many would've kissed the girl at that moment. But Justin, you were committed to what God had called you in this relationship and you wanted to know her emotionally, mentally and spiritually, so you set that physical aside. You continued to pour your heart into her and her family and getting to know her. On that fateful morning, I believe, on Smith Rock, where so much drama took place, and the story continued to unfold with the help of a lot of friends and family...you dropped to one knee, and you asked her to be your bride...in that special way that is so well documented. You, probably at that moment, would've loved to kiss the girl! Yet you said, nope, not yet, we're not ready for that. We're going to continue to grow, so you held that off. I say all this to say that that's neat, the way the Lord has such wonderful things in store the way He does things, and He was leading you, I believe. And He led you in such a wonderful way that allowed you guys to honor him in the way you conducted yourselves along that path. It's a neat testimony to me and a wonderful testimony to His work in your lives. It also makes THIS moment that much more unique and special in His eyes and in your eyes. Because we have performed this wedding ceremony, we have said vows, we all heard them say vows, didn't we? You saw them exchange rings. Therefore, I believe, it would be appropriate and fully a perfect time, would you not agree? For the boy to kiss the girl!!

At least he accomplished what needed to be done, we walked out of there married!:D