Hey Everyone! We are announcing the beach night calendar for the months of May and June. We would love to see you all there!
One of many beautiful sunsets we enjoy at the beach!
This is an official open invitation. Bring all of your friends and join us for an afternoon of playing at the beach and an evening of fellowship around the campfire! Bring your own hot dogs and buns, or whatever you and your family likes to eat. Fire is provided.
Creative cooking on an open fire!
Where: Doheny State Beach. How to get there... From Los Angeles and Orange Counties: Take Interstate 5 south to the Pacific Coast Highway/Camino Las Ramblas off-ramp (approximately 15 miles south of the Interstate 405 and 5 Interchange). As soon as you exit the freeway you will come to a fork; bear right. You are now on Pacific Coast Highway (northbound). Dana Point Harbor Drive is about 1 mile from the Freeway and is at the second traffic light. As you approach this intersection, Denny's restaurant will be on your right. Turn left onto Dana Point Harbor Drive. The State Beach entrance will be to your left at the first traffic light.
From San Diego County: Take Interstate 5 north to the Beach Cities/Camino Las Ramblas off-ramp. Once you leave the freeway get into the left lane. After you pass through the tunnel you will be on Pacific Coast Highway. Continue about 3/4 mile to the second traffic light which is Dana Point Harbor Drive. As you approach this intersection, Denny's restaurant will be on your right. Turn left onto Dana Point Harbor Drive. The State Beach entrance will be to your left at the first traffic light.
When: Thursday, May 4th, May 18th(canceled), June 1st, June 15th, and June 29th.
For more (and updated) information on each of these dates, email us before noon of the day in question and we will get back to you ASAP. (Leaving us your phone # would be helpful for a early response.)
What to bring: Lawn chairs, warm clothes, surfboards, boogie boards, rollerskates, and anything else you think might be fun.
We look forward to seeing you there!Lots of fellowship in an awesome setting!
May God richly bless your week!
With love,The Dortignac Family
P.S. If you were wondering, Pizza Nights are held on Friday on the opposite weeks of beach night. Email us for more info.
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matthew 5:16
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