On Thursday we were invited to dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Ben Manis' house. We had an exciting visit with them. They live on a beautiful 8+ acres that include part of a lake. They let us do pedal boats, they had a zip line for the little kids, and they had STORIES! We enjoyed hearing about some of their 61 trips to Africa, and hunting stories, among others. =D We had a great time with them! (Oh yeah, the lasagna was delicious too!)

Riding the pedal boat
On Friday the Macdonald family we met at the concert, (that's the story you can read about on my blog), came before noon and helped us clean house, grade the front yard, and put up the rest of the vinyl siding over the front porch. They also helped us cook the 17 pizzas we made, with the oven in their converted bus. You can visit their website at: www.macdonaldfamilysingers.com
Over 50 people showed up for Pizza Night! We were so blessed by each one who came. Most of the people there were very musical and we had fun playing and singing for each other.On Saturday we planted the front lawn. It's going to be so nice to see a lawn here. The rest of the day we spent just talking about Pizza Night. ;-)
Sunday we went to the really big church with over 70 homeschool families. After church we came home and hung out until 5:30 when we headed off again, this time to visit the Burk family.The Burks have 13 kids. They are an extremely talented family both in art and music. One of their sons played The Stars and Stripes on the guitar, after we sang it. Wow! I wish you all could have seen his fingers fly.
Today we were all getting started to work when Willie came running in the house."Someone is breaking into the house across the street!" he said. "Get the cell phone." Dad said, as he headed out the door.We all watched out the window as a young man, dressed in black, was attempting to enter somebody's house through a side window.He saw Dad watching him and ducked down. Next thing we knew he was running. He hopped the back fence and disappeared.
"I already called the police." A neighbor told Dad."Did you get a good description of the guy?" Dad asked her."Oh yeah, he lives in the house on the other side of us."
Not more than 3 minutes later a little white car pulled up to the corner and two men in suits stepped out. We could see they had their hands on concealed guns. As they walked past the house where the criminal lived they saw the neighbor lady on her front porch. One of the men moved to pull his gun and she called out, "No, no! It's me, I'm the one who called you guys."After 3 more cars arrived the men surrounded the suspects house. We could hear them knock, and then knock louder. Nobody answered.As we watched and waited the police all disappeared for a while, and then they re-appeared with a man wearing jeans and a white shirt. Looking closer we spotted another officer carrying the black shirt we had seen the guy wearing as he attempted to rob the house.Needless to say it was an exciting scene to witness. And now it's over and we have to get back to work.
So, we've had a fun week. Lots of fellowship with some really neat people! As we thought about it we realized that we wouldn't have had the privilege to meet all of the friends we've made, or go to the events we've gone to lately, or help the victims of Katrina if our bus hadn't had the fire back in KY. What a blessing it's turned out to be. We don't know the bigger picture, but we know Who does, and we know that He's promised that "all things work together for good to them that love Him..." Romans 8:28

Leveling the dirt with the MacDonalds before planting the lawn
*The man who attempted the burglary is our neighbor. His name is Daniel, and he's 20 years old. He has a habit of breaking into homes while people are at work. Please pray for him as you feel led. He's in serious bondage.
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