October 24th
Wow! What a week. On Monday the Callis family, from CA, called to say they were coming to visit on Tuesday.
We were blessed to spend time with them again. It's been over 6 months since we've all seen their whole family. We used to see them at least once every other week!
"Thanks for coming Callis family!"
Unfortunately several people in our family were sick and had to stay upstairs the whole time. :- (
Wow! What a week. On Monday the Callis family, from CA, called to say they were coming to visit on Tuesday.
We were blessed to spend time with them again. It's been over 6 months since we've all seen their whole family. We used to see them at least once every other week!
"Thanks for coming Callis family!"
Unfortunately several people in our family were sick and had to stay upstairs the whole time. :- (

The Callis Family
Our company left on Wednesday and we continued scraping paint. All the woodwork has to be stripped down to bare wood in order for the new paint to actually stick. By Friday we were kind of tired of scraping paint. We went to the Naylor's house for their Music in the Meadow night. We played volleyball until 1am!
I won't tell you what we did Saturday, in case you can't guess. ;-)
On Sunday morning we were laying awake in our sleeping bags, trying to stay warm, when the phone rang. It was a family we had met through a fellowship directory on the Internet. We had them over for lunch and had a nice time.
Sunday evening found the brave members of the family at a symphony concert. The rest of the family stayed home to hang out in front of the stove! ;-p
The Lord used our neighbors to bless us again when they brought over 8 heavy jackets, and several warm outfits for the little kids.
Our cousins also sent a bunch of sweaters and sweatshirts. (Miss you guys!)
So, yeah, we didn't get that much work done on the house this week, but as we discussed it yesterday we decided that we want to be home for Thanksgiving at the latest, but with the amount of work we have left Thanksgiving is the soonest we'll be getting home. We decided to put on the after burners!
Dad got the heater up and running just now!!! Justin was in charge of the woodworking prep, and we finally started priming it today! Chris was in charge of caulking some critical things, Annie and Mandy decided they were through with the cold outside air blowing on them when they tried to sleep, so they insulated and hung drywall under the bedroom windows. Tiffany supervised cleaning the house, and gave reading lessons to Trevor and Charity. Mom worked on preparing delicious food for us, cleaning the kitchen, and doing the book-keeping.
Shortly after noon we got a call from a man we met 2 weeks ago. He asked if he could bring us Kentucky Fried Chicken, and help us work. Who could resist an offer like that?
Not only did he provide a delicious, hot meal, he also painted the crown molding in the dining room!
Thank you Wid and Izzy!
A while back we received a huge package in the mail. Written around the outside of it were the words, "And Jesus said... 'Go home to thy friends!'" Mk 5:19 As we were reading the Bible together last week we came across this verse in 1Th 2:18 "Wherefore we would have come unto you...but Satan hindered us."
We are glad to be in the service of our King. And we're grateful that He's giving us grace to be content wherever He wants us to be. But it sure is getting cold here! ;-D
New Porch, and Beginning of the Lawn

Painting the Window Frames
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